The following Microscopy Innovations products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. This list is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including 35 USC 287.
The following Microscopy Innovations products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. This list is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including 35 USC 287.
21300, 21500, G1600, G9600
7663101, 7544953, 8507876, 2041543EP, 2545579EP, 5254218JP, 5753861JP, 2545579EP
22200, 22500, S0812, S9696
7663101, 7544953, 8999273, 2041543EP, 5254218JP, 5947794JP
31500, F1601, 31600, F1602
8999273, 2041543EP, 5947794JP
32010, TL100
8999273, 5947794JP
34000, B96S
7663101, 7544953, 8999273, 2041543EP, 5254218JP
42100, WS100
8999273, 5947794JP
33010, HLDR0001
7663101, 7544953, 2041543EP, 5254218JP
7663101, 7544953, 8999273, 2041543EP, 5254218JP, 5947794JP