05 Jan Flint BioEM recorded 21 sept2023
Speaker: Noah A. Flint, MHA, MLS, ASCP. ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
This 16-minute presentation was given in the BioEM Talks online conference series on 21 September 2023: Noah Flint presents the daily workflow used by ARUP Laboratories, a CAP, ISO 15189 and CLIA-certified clinical pathology reference lab, to prepare renal and muscle biopsies for clinical pathology TEM. This ASP-1000 workflow uses a ~3-hour ASP protocol that requires only 1 person-hour of hands-on effort to prepare up to 16 patient biopsy specimens for TEM from aldehyde rinse out to ready for resin curing. (Portions of this work were previously presented in instructional workshops at the 2023 National Society for Histotechnology Convention.)