
Microscopy Today | Nature Cancer | Nutrients | Methods in Cell Biology vEM | Conferences
Automated Sample Prep | Volume EM Publication | Summer Meetings
Lab productivity with an ASP-2000 | Spring & Summer Meetings | Funding Opportunity for Biomedical Instrumentation
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Application Notes

Automated Preparation using the mPrep ASP-1000 & ASP-2000

Automated post-embedding (on grid) immunogold labeling of sectioned liver and of whole mount bacteria with ultra-small g…

Automated pre-embedding (en bloc) immunogold labeling of brain using ultra-small gold and silver enhancement followed by…

Demonstrates using agar embedding of suspended cells to enable rapid automated preparation with the ASP-1000 Automated p…

Demonstrates the reproducibility of rapid processing with the ASP-1000. Twenty-four (24) specimens from the same aldehyd…

Presents a method for processing mammalian muscle tissue for TEM in just over two hours. Using the ASP-1000 automated sp…

Presents a fast, fully-automated method of tissue processing. Mammalian kidney was prepared for TEM with the mPrep ASP-1…

Illustrates automation of immunogold labeling using the mPrep ASP-1000 automated specimen processor. Researchers at the…

Manual Preparation using Pipettors

Shows the negative stain TEM preparation of pathogenic Ebola virus in high containment BSL4 labs. Scientists used mPrep/…

Illustrates the preparation of polymer specimens for cross-sectional analysis. Polymer drug delivery particles were embe…

Illustrated protocol showing the preparation of nanoparticle specimens for negative stain TEM using Formvar®-filmed grid…

Illustrates the preparation of macromolecular specimens for negative stain TEM using mPrep/g capsules, pipettors and For…

Illustrates mammalian kidney tissue prep for TEM from fixation through embedding. This general protocol applies to other…

Product Literature


Volume Electron Microscopy (vEM) or 3D Electron Microscopy (3DEM)

Automated Specimen Preparation for Volume Electron Microscopy (vEM Technology Forum, 2024)

Automated Volume Electron Microscopy for Neuroscience (Society for Neuroscience, 2024)

Challenges and Opportunities of Volume Electron Microscopy: SBF-SEM of Schmidtea mediterranea (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024)

Automated Specimen Preparation for Electron Microscopy (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024)

Biological Specimen Preparation Workflows in EM Laboratories (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024)
Analysis of sites of rod-cone gap junctions in the absence of connexin 36 (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2024)

Creating Efficient Workflows for Electron Microscopy Laboratories with Automated Specimen Preparation (Microscopy Today, 2024)

Sample preparation methods for volume electron microscopy in mollusc Berghia stephanieae (BioRxiv Preprints, 2024)

Autotaxin–lysolipid signaling suppresses a CCL11–eosinophil axis to promote pancreatic cancer progression (Nature Cancer, 2024)

Automated large volume sample preparation for vEM (Methods in Cell Biology 2023)

Segmentation of Cellular Ultrastructures on Sparsely Labeled 3D Electron Microscopy Images using Deep Learning (Frontiers in Bioinformatics, 2023)

A conventional fixation volume electron microscopy protocol for plants (Methods in Cell Biology 2023)

Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy of Schmidtea mediterranea (Methods in Cell Biology 2023)

High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Dysregulates Splenic B Cell Mitochondrial Activity (Nutrients 2023)

Volume And Large Field Of View Electron Microscopy As Tools For Rapid And Detailed Cellular Analysis In Preclinical Therapeutic Testing (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023)

Large-Scale Electron Microscopy to Find Nanoscale Detail in Cancer (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023)

Next Generation Automated Programmable Electron Microscopy Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023)

Efficient Workflows for Electron Microscopy Laboratories by Using Automated Specimen Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023)

Innovations & Applications of Manual & Automated Specimen Preparation for Volume Electron Microscopy (2023 Gordon Research Conference on vEM)

An Omic and Multidimensional Spatial Atlas from Serial Biopsies of an Evolving Metastatic Breast Cancer (Cell Reports Medicine, 2022)

A Versatile Enhanced Freeze-Substitution Protocol for Volume Electron Microscopy (Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2022)

Automatic Sample Processing for vEM in a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2022)

Automated & Programmable Electron Microscopy Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2021)

Adaptive cell invasion maintains lateral line organ homeostasis in response to environmental changes. (Developmental Cell 2021)

Serial Block-Face SEM of Brain Tissue Using Rapid Automated Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2020)

Rapid Automated Serial Block Face SEM Preparation of Brain Tissue (Soc. Neuroscience 2019)

Effects of Postnatal Hyperoxia Exposure on Cardiac Muscle Examined with 3D Serial Block Face SEM using Rapid Automated Sample Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019)

Rapid Automated Preparation for Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019)

Automated Heavy Metal Tissue Staining for Serial Block Face Imaging with the ASP-1000 (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019)

Rapid Automated en Bloc Staining for SEM of Sections (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017)

Transmission Electron Microscopy – Biologicals

Fatiguing Exercise Reduces Cellular Passive Young’s Modulus in Human Vastus Lateralis Muscle (Experimental Physiology, 2024)

Stress increases sperm respiration and motility in mice and men (Nature Communications, 2024)

The Axillary Lymphoid Organ – An External, Experimentally Accessible Immune Organ in the Zebrafish (BioRxiv Preprints, 2024)

An Efficient Clinical TEM Workfow Using Automated Specimen Processing (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024)

Biological Specimen Preparation Workflows in EM Laboratories (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024)

Creating Efficient Workflows for Electron Microscopy Laboratories with Automated Specimen Preparation (Microscopy Today 2024)

A dual hit of α-synuclein internalization and immune challenge leads to the formation and maintenance of Lewy body-like inclusions in human dopaminergic neurons (Bio Rxiv Preprints 2024)

An Efficient Clinical Pathology TEM Workflow From Specimen Acquisition Through Automated Preparation And Electron Microscopy (National Society Histotechnology 2023)

Novel Pipette Based Capsule Processing Methods for Epoxy, Glycol Methacrylate, and Methyl/Butyl Methacrylate Resins with Mouse Tissue That Reduce Processing Volume and Time (National Society Histotechnology 2023)

Efficient Workflows for Electron Microscopy Laboratories by Using Automated Specimen Preparation (J. Biomolecular Techniques 2023)

Vertex protein PduN tunes encapsulated pathway performance by dictating bacterial metabolosome morphology (Nature Communications 2022)

Automated & Programmable Electron Microscopy Preparation (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2021)

Automated Preparation of Nerve Tissue for TEM (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2020)

Past, Present, and Future of Electron Microscopy Chemical Processing Workflows (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2020)

Automated Preparation of Core Needle Biopsy Specimens for TEM Imaging (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019)

Automated Rapid Preparation of Tissue Specimens for TEM Pathology (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018)

A Versatile All-in-One Automated Processor for Electron Microscopy. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018)

Sex-Specific Skeletal Muscle Fatigability and Decreased Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity in Adult Rats Exposed to Postnatal Hyperoxia (Frontiers Physiology 2018)

Fast, Walk-away, Automated Processing of Mammalian Tissue for LM and TEM (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017)

Preparing LR White Embedded Tissue with mPrep/s Specimen Capsules (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017)

Bringing Speed and Automation Together with the ASP-1000 (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Easier and Safer Biological Staining: High Contrast UranyLess Staining of TEM Grids using mPrep/g Capsules (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015)

Capsule-Based Processing and Handling of Electron Microscopy Specimens and Grids (Microscopy Today 2015)

High Throughput Multi Parameter TEM Chemical Processing Protocol Development with the mPrep-s Capsule System: Schmidtea mediterranea (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2014)

Improving the Reliability, Ease, and Efficiency of Section Staining in a Diagnostic Laboratory with the mPrep/g System for TEM Grid Processing (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015)

Automated, Programmable Processing of Specimens and Grids with the mPrep ASP-1000 (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015)

Reducing Reagent Consumption and Improving Efficiency of Specimen Fixation and Embedding, Grid Staining and Archiving using mPrep™ Capsule Processing (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011)

Immunolabeling – Transmission Electron Microscopy

Neuraminidase 1-mediated desialylation of the mucin 1 ectodomain releases a decoy receptor that protects against Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection (J Biological Chemistry 2019)

Optimization of Automated Immuno EM for Both Pre- and Post-Embedding Labeling (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018)

Fully-automated Immunogold Labeling of Resin Embedded Specimens and On-grid Deposition of Gold Fiducial Particles (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Viruses – TEM and STEM (Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy)

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) for Accurate Virus Quantification (Defense Technical Information Center 2018)

Accurate virus quantitation using a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) detector in a scanning electron microscope (J. Virological Methods 2017)

Utilization of Capsules for Negative Staining of Viral Samples within Biocontainment (J Visualized Experiments 2017)

Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) for Accurate Virus Dosing Quantification (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Improved Virus Specimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy using mPrep/g Capsules: Applications in BSL3-4 Laboratories (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Preparation of viral samples within biocontainment for ultrastructural analysis: Utilization of an innovative processing capsule for negative staining (Ft. Detrick Science Fair 2016)

Preparation of viral samples within biocontainment for ultrastructural analysis: Utilization of an innovative processing capsule for negative staining (J Virological Methods 2016)

Scanning Electron Microscopy – Biological specimens

Cryo-Planing Biological Specimens for Scanning Electron Microscopy (Microscopy Today 2019)

Cryo-Planing of Small Biological Specimens for SEM Using mPrep Capsules (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2014)

3D Cell Culture in mPrep/s Capsules

3D Cell Culture and Microscopy in a Capsule with Scaffolds, Tumors & Stem Cells (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Application of a New Miniature Bioreactor System to Generate and Test Artificial Tumor and Normal Breast Ductal Tissues Using MCF-7/MCF10A Cells (Experimental Biology 2016)

Transmission Electron Microscopy – Materials

Nano-Particle TEM Sample Preparation Primer (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016)

Efficient and Documented Preparation of Pharmaceutical Particles for Correlative Microscopy Analyses using mPrep Capsule Processing (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015)

Comparative study for low temperature water-gas shift reaction on Pt/ceria catalysts: Role of different ceria supports (Applied Catalysis A: General 2015)

Synthesis of nano-Pt onto ceria support as catalyst for water–gas shift reaction by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (Applied Catalysis A: General 2014)


BioEM Talks: mPrep Automated Specimen Processor Automation & Capsules provide proven speed and adaptability for BioEM in labs of any size

Speaker: Steven L. Goodman, PhD, Microscopy Innovations LLC

This 29-minute invited presentation made on 16 May 2024 (BioEM Talks online conference series) shows how several different labs use mPrep ASP-1000 and ASP-2000 Automated Specimen Processors and mPrep capsules for a wide range of applications.  Examples include TEM, SEM, vEM, and light microscopy specimen preparation, and 3D cell culture, with human, animal, fish, and plant tissues, and tumor models, cells, and viruses.

BioEM Talks: An Efficient Clinical Pathology TEM Workflow from Specimen Acquisition Through Automated Preparation and Electron Microscopy

Speaker: Noah A. Flint, MHA, MLS, ASCP. ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

This 16-minute presentation was given in the BioEM Talks online conference series on 21 September 2023: Noah Flint presents the daily workflow used by ARUP Laboratories, a CAP, ISO 15189 and CLIA-certified clinical pathology reference lab, to prepare renal and muscle biopsies for clinical pathology TEM. This ASP-1000 workflow uses a ~3-hour ASP protocol that requires only 1 person-hour of hands-on effort to prepare up to 16 patient biopsy specimens for TEM from aldehyde rinse out to ready for resin curing. (Portions of this work were previously presented in instructional workshops at the 2023 National Society for Histotechnology Convention.)

Webinar: 3DEM of Brain Tissue Using Rapid Automated Preparation

Speaker:  Emily Benson, 3DEM Ultrastructural Imaging and Computation Core, Cleveland Clinic

In this 50 minute Webinar, recorded 22 Oct 2020, Emily Benson presents her work on automating 3DEM specimen preparation of brain. She describes how she reduced a standard 4-5 day manual preparation protocol to an ASP-1000 automated process that reduced preparation time to 8 hours, and required only 1-hour of hands-on effort. She directly compares and quantifies the quality of rapid automated preparation to manually prepared specimens. Portions of this work were presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2020, which received the 2020 Diatome award.


Webinar: Virus Specimen Preparation in Biosafety Level 3-4 Laboratories

Speaker:  Candace Blancett, MS, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)

In this 44 minute webinar, recorded July 9, 2020, Candace Blancett presents her work on preparing and quantifying pathogenic viruses using electron microscopy in Biosafety Laboratory (BSL) 3-4 settings. Topics include negative staining of pathogenic viruses [1] and virus quantification using STEM [2].  These applications were enabled by using mPrep/g capsules to eliminate grid handling in the BSL 3-4 suite, which provided easier, safer, and reproducible specimen preparation.

Webinar: Walk-away Biological Specimen Prep for the 21st Century Lab

This 18-minute webinar (broadcast 25 September 2019) presents how the ASP-1000 automates the preparation of biological specimens for TEM and SBEM (serial block face SEM) to provide walk-away convenience, reduced processing time, and easy clean-up. The webinar also discusses how the ASP-1000 provides pre-programmed protocols for preparing multiple tissues and for immunolabeling, and how users can easily modify existing or create new protocols.

Presentation: Automated Preparation of Nerve Tissue for TEM

Thomas E. Strader, M.S, walks viewers through how the ASP-1000 automatically prepares tibial nerve for TEM in just 37 minutes from specimen receipt in aldehyde fixative until beginning resin polymerization. This presentation was recorded for the 2020 Microscopy & Microanalysis Virtual Conference.  (8 minutes)

Presentation: Past, Present, and Future of Electron Microscopy Chemical Processing Workflows

Steven L. Goodman, Ph.D., discusses historical advances for biological specimen prep for TEM, immunogold labeling TEM, and 3D electron microscopy (e.g. serial block face SEM). This presentation, recorded for the 2020 Microscopy & Microanalysis Virtual Conference, illuminates the leaps in efficiency provided by automation. Dr. Goodman also speculates on future developments in the field. (10 minutes)

Webinar: TEM & SEM Sample Preparation with mPrep Capsules

This webinar introduces and demonstrates the mPrep System.  Webinar covers how the mPrep System works. It discusses the benefits of the mPrep System over current practice. And it addresses multiple TEM and SEM applications: tissues,  macromolecules, immuno, nanoparticles, cryo-planing.
45 minutes

Specimen and Grid Reagent Processing for TEM and SEM

This video tutorial demonstrates how to use mPrep capsules with multi-channel pipettors and common lab ware to simultaneously deliver reagents to multiple specimens and grids. The video demonstrates TEM fixation and embedding. Reagent processing procedures are similar for all specimen types and for grids with mPrep capsules .

6 minutes 4 seconds

Critical Point Dry (CPD) Sample Prep

This tutorial demonstrates how to transfer mPrep capsules to a critical point dryer. The transfer is shown with an mPrep CPD holder designed for the Tousimis Samdri. Both mPrep/s and mPrep/g capsules are shown.

4 minutes 7 seconds

Preparing Embedded TEM Specimens for Sectioning

This video tutorial shows how to trim and face an embedded block inside an mPrep/s capsule. The capsule is clamped into a microtome chuck for trimming, facing and sectioning.

1 minutes 17 seconds

Using the mPrep Workstation for Oriented and Unoriented Specimens

The tutorial starts by introducing the mPrep Workstation. Then it demonstrates how to load and orient specimens into mPrep capsules. Three methods are shown: pinch, compression and cup.

5 minutes 19 seconds